MyBibleStudy Tips Newsletter

Weekly resources to help you go deeper when you study God's word.

The mybiblestudy tips newsletter is designed to help you study the Bible better. Each message includes...

  • A Bible Study Tip You Can Use
  • A Quote to Ponder
  • A Recommended Resource

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    A Bible Study Tip You Can Use

    Nobody interprets the Bible from a blank slate. We all have experiences with the Bible, the Church, and the world. We inevitably bring our prior experiences and knowledge to the Bible when we study it. This is called preunderstanding. It's not bad thing, but it can hinder your ability to study the Bible well if you aren't aware of your preunderstanding. You can watch this video if you want to explore this topic more.

    A Quote to Ponder

    "The Bible is not just a book; it is a library of books, many books, describing the origins of the Hebrew people, the person and work of Jesus Christ, and the spread of the Christian church. Yet its central character is God—the God who creates, who legislates, who rescues rebels, who becomes human, and who makes all things new." -Michael Bird, 7 Things I Wish Christians Knew About the Bible

    A Recommended Reading

    If you want a brief introduction to studying the Bible, Scott Duvall's and Daniel Hays' book is a good place to start. It covers many of the basic principles you need to improve your Bible study. It's called Journey into God's Word: Your Guide to Understanding and Applying the Bible.

    MyBibleStudy Tip Monday's

    You'll get the mybiblestudy tips newsletter in your inbox every Monday. Sign up with the form to start receiving your Bible study tips every week.

    The goal of the mybiblestudy tips newsletter is to provide you with actionable tips and helpful resources for you journey to study the Bible in greater depth.

    You can find longer form content in mybibleschool courses and on the youtube page.

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